Daily Prompt: Linger…”The Date”.

Tell us about times in which you linger – when you don’t want an event or a day to end. What is it you love about these times? Why do you wish you could linger forever?

Young, wild, and free, that’s me. And every so often the routine must be broken. “Sure, I’ll meet you for lunch”, spontaneously I accepted his invitation. Flooded by a host of thoughts and feelings: Anxiety, “Meeting people online is lame”; Doubt and Concern, “I’m way too busy for this”; Excitement, “I haven’t had fun in weeks, this could be fun”.

The anticipation of the set date, about a week out, was interesting. I found myself looking forward to meeting this man I’ve only seen in photographs and chatted with by way of text messages. But, hey, he seemed pretty cool, I guess, turn down for what? The day had arrived! Lunch was at 1:30p, was it? I recall rushing through my Saturday morning’s errands in efforts to be on time. I admit that I am stereotypically late, however I did not want to be late for our first live encounter. FAIL! We were both stereotypically late. Go figure. Not surprised.

So, lunch was at 2:00p. Neither of us were bothered by our tardiness. He arrived first and waited for me by the doors of the chosen establishment, where the main attraction is it’s pizza and beer. Nervously, I called him once parked to inform him of my arrival; it felt awkward. As I walked towards the doors I saw him through the glass, awaiting me in the foyer. He appeared just as anxiously playing it cool as I did. My mind raced for potential excuses to either get out of the date or end it early if need be. I chuckled to myself, yet smiled at him graciously, as we uttered our salutations.

Once seated and in his presence, I experienced a rather peculiar sensation throughout my mind and body. I felt as if I had known this stranger forever. Throughout our interactions, I became increasingly more comfortable. I made sure to text my friends to let them know they didn’t have to remain on standby, as I was throughly enjoying this man’s company. We presented with so much in common! He’s hysterical! Que bueno!

Our lunch date spilled over into happy hour, in which we carried the fun over to the next establishment, a popular Tex-Mex restaurant with amazing margaritas by the way. Would you believe that happy hour progressed into dinner? We were both consumed by each other and canceled all other set plans for our Saturday. Dinner turned into after dinner drinks, more chatting, little subtle touches, and cheesy gazes. This event did not unfold anywhere near as I had expected.

I’m not sure if he noticed, but I would look at him in complete disbelief at how well we were getting along. It typically takes me a while to warm up to people, but I couldn’t get enough of this fool. It was after midnight when we decided to leave. I’m sure we both figured we needed to conclude our rendezvous at some point. To this day, I am completely shocked at how concluding with each other at our cars, lead to his going back to my house.

Let me tell you that our epic lunch date came to a close at almost 5:00a Sunday morning! Now, before you draw any conclusions, I will end this blog by suggesting that you use your imaginations to fill in the gap——Just Kidding! We viewed a movie on Netflix and continued chatting until dosing off peacefully on my plump red couch. When he woke up, he awakened me so that he may finally return to his own domain.

It was apparent that we both wanted that moment to linger… Unbeknownst to him, that moment was the best moment I’ve had in a while. It was much needed and much appreciated. I personally accepted that moment for what it was, a break from the norm and an opportunity to kick back and let my hair down in some good company. Though I no longer linger in that specific moment, the pleasant memories continue to do so…linger…All Smiles. πŸ˜‰


8 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Linger…”The Date”.

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  1. Wow I love this piece, it’s truly the small things/moment that really have strong impact in our life, one of the best moments in my life was meeting you Chela, its was instant connection the laughter the love hope to continue building great memories with you


    1. Devi, your feedback is much appreciated. I remember when we met and it was an instant connection! Really the pleasure is all mine in meeting you. We have laughs for days homeboy. I love you man. I can’t imagine my life without you!


  2. I love this piece Chela!! It’s kind of funny how moments you think will be awkard turn out to be the best moments you cherish!


  3. This is a good piece. As a guy its nicw to know what goes through a lady when we first meet.
    Now at the end alot of things could have happen, let the mind wonder to the endless
    Possibilities of what if.


    1. Thank you Tony for your response. It is my opinion that the possibilities are endless when encountering someone or something new, especially if it occurs by chance! πŸ˜‰


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