Pillow Talk

Lying next to you is like enjoying a warm and sweet cup of coffee first thing in the morning while sitting under the sunrays on a patio near the beach. Snuggled on your chest, your soft breath and rhythmic heartbeat are as soothing as waves crashing into the shoreline. Being with you is like being on vacation! You are pure escape from the extremely rushed and anxiety producing American hustle and bustle that I live on the daily.

I love how you look at me; I feel a jolt of sheer bliss when I catch your innocent gazes. When our eyes meet, I wonder if we are thinking the same thing. Do you think to yourself, “I wonder what she’s thinking?” because I am wondering what you could possibly be thinking. I love how you feel when we sneak little caresses and kisses in between our conversation. I love our conversations about something or nothing. I love our Pillow Talk.

#happyhumpday readers

Are You Drunk or Pregnant?

I’m rooted here in the DMV area, fortunately or unfortunately, depending on the bammas you’re talking to and I listen to “The Kane Show”, DC’s #1 hit music station, every morning! If I miss it because of my adult life responsibilities I catch it on iHeartRadio. So, the other day I was tuning in during my commute to work and this woman called in with a topic that Kane shared with listeners. This woman called to say that driving while pregnant is as bad or is similar to driving while drunk and basically concluded that pregnant women should not drive. Yes, she has a child and Yes, she drove while pregnant. She indicated, however, that “looking back” perhaps she shouldn’t have.


What led to her calling was the fact that she was “within inches” of being hit while walking by a pregnant woman who was “about to pop” behind the wheel. Though anyone getting hit by a car is no laughing matter, this incident is no different, my first thought was, “Oh, she’s salty” and “I’ve had close calls on running folks down on the roadways while completely sober and not pregnant”. I don’t have any children and no, I’m not pregnant at this time, so I’m not sure why this stood out to me. I guess I thought this woman’s claim was so ridiculous that I in turn threw it out on Facebook. I’ll share some of the responses below in a makeshift foto collage.


LOL, my friends are hilarious. Nope, caller, none of us agree with you, neither did anyone on The Kane Show or any of their other callers. I guess our conclusion is: Sit your butt down lady and let people live. Feel free to share if you have a real concern.

TeeHee, HaHa


I just wanted to share that I had the opportunity to literally laugh my ass off today! Seriously, look at it, it’s gone! Ok, ok, I didn’t have one to begin with, ya caught me. But, listen, I laughed out loud and it was the best feeling ever. I needed that because I’m typically uptight here at work.

This random security officer who works in my building on occasion commented on the pink outfit I’m wearing today, which is a black and hot pink skater skirt with a light pink tank top and a hot pink cardigan with black sandals. He said something slick like, “Now how did you know pink was my favorite color? You wore that for me?” I hit him with the subtle, nucca please face and a half-smile with a raised eyebrow. And then he quickly said, “I’m just kidding pretty lady, your man is lucky. You continue looking pretty in that pink, alright now”, with this genuine and polite smile on his face.

He rolled out before I could respond to any of that. He presented with southern mannerisms and wasn’t being creepy at all. It was his smile and smiling eyes that had me crack up, he looked so goofy and nervous, but was simply being sweet and honest. I appreciate the non-creepy flattery when I get it.

I feel thankful for him today, he brightened my day. I’m just showing gratitude for the little things. Happy Tuesday!

Know How I Know That I Love You?


Because even through the difficult times you are able to put a smile on my face.  And even when we are distant and fighting our own battles, I am still able to feel close to you. You make me feel comfortable to present my vulnerabilities so that you may see me for who I am; you follow that up with full respect for me and you always have my best interest at heart. I think about you not only when I’m bored and/or lonely, but when I’m extremely busy and preoccupied with my own business. I typically say that I do what I want, but with you, I’m willing to communicate, compromise, and make small sacrifices to be with you. I want to share things with you, from funny jokes to the mundane happenings at work, and in turn, I am eager to learn new things about you. When I see you and all that you do, not only am I proud of you, but I admire you and want to be your personal cheerleader. If you need help, I wouldn’t think twice about helping you. Though I don’t really care too much for the mushy stuff, I see your face and want to smother it with kisses and give you long, loving hugs. Awww. When I’m out shopping I see things that you may like and want to get it for you. I don’t mind to cook for you; I’d cook for you every day if that’s what you wanted. I’m already pretty damn awesome as is, but you inspire me to be an even better person.  You inspire me in a lot of ways, like you even inspire me to do unexpected things to surprise you…….. (wink). Lastly, I’m not perfect, but you love me anyway. So, you know how I know that I love you? Because, I love all of you, as you are; for me you are the best!

PSA: It’s ok to love, don’t be afraid to express it! Hope you enjoyed reading! Just another one of my random ramblings…..

Stay up, love birds! 😉

Ping (I took a screenshot of this foto. ;-P)

Inner Critic

What does your inner critic say to you and how does it affect your ability to take risks? If you had to name your inner critic, what you name it?

The above prompt was shared to me by one of my best friends and sorority sister, @LambdaLady2 (Twitter).  She stated that one of her coworkers posted these questions on her gchat and I take it my sister here was pondering this morning.  So she sent it my way and suggested I consider preparing a response and blogging about it.  Well, alright, why not? 😉

The above questions are rather deep and if you’ve followed my blog you would notice that I tend to be quite introspective and engage in self-reflection and self-evaluation on the regular.  My response to this will not be a lengthy one; I have hit what my inner critic sometimes hollers at me in previous blogs, so I’ll provide a general overview.

That pesky inner critic that sometimes declares war on my psyche can be downright brutal. Not only is it quick to highlight my short-comings and limitations, it doesn’t hold back in detailing what I could have done either better or differently in every situation I encounter. Sometimes it talks to me in a negative tone, even making the strong claims that I will not make it or I’m not good enough or even that I’m undeserving.  It even takes jabs at my family tree, comparing and contrasting me with both the past and present, emphasizing our downfalls as a family unit (Ouch).

As I write this, several different life incidences are playing back in my mind where my inner critic has absolutely affected my ability to take risks, but I’m smiling here because I have used my dear inner critic as jet fuel to get me where I am today.  Looking back, I believe my inner critic hindered me more significantly as a younger person.  I believe I really started growing up in the past year or two and have more confidence when I respond to it. I can look my inner critic in the face today, ya know?  Yea, no more shying away; I’m a big girl now.  LOL. Yea, today, I believe in myself and even when I get thrown off my path or I start toying around with my inner critic’s little homie, self-doubt, I’m able to put things back into perspective and keep my eyes on the prize.  I do tend to get what I want, eventually.

Hmm, what would I name my inner critic you ask? Right now, the name Charlie is coming to mind.  Sike, nah. LOL. I would call it “Motivation”, yea, that is fitting!

As always, thank you for stopping by.  Feel free to comment. Great Prompt!  Thanks @LambdaLady2 for sending!   

I’m Focused Man!


My generation seems to be telling people “No, F*ck You!” with the quickness!  LOL, and you know what, I’m not upset and/or threatened by it, because I seem to have adopted that entire mentality myself.  Now keep in mind whenever I write, it’s for fun and entertainment. Don’t get butt-hurt or offended by anything on my blog, but know that if you do, that’s totally a personal problem. 😉

Now the foto attached to this post is what inspired me today.  But, anyway, you know everyone is on that “New Year, New Me” bullcrap, but the “new me” I personally have going on right now didn’t come with the impending New Year; it’s been an ongoing work in progress.  I grow and learn every day, trust and believe it!  I am also always engaging in self-reflection (I can blame my studies in psychology and my profession as a Mental Health Professional for that) and have reflected over the past year, of course.  I realized that I was tried and tested a lot!  Now, overall this year has been a great transition for me; I can recall lots of precious moments that I feel blessed to have experienced.

However, at the same time, I definitely faced a few big challenges, dealt with a significant amount of loss and even had my heart broken (aww, boo hoo). With all of that said, I’m still here to tell the muthaflippin story though, AND I stand here better than before.  (insert #hairflip here – lol) Frankly, that’s all that matters, right?  Like, I have friends who are no longer here with us (just went to a long-time friend’s funeral about a week and a half ago), so really, what do I have to complain about? In the grand scheme of things my loves, NADA.  I totally have a handle on what and who I want, and you know what? I’m going to continue on my path; I know what I’m doing… Even though I had a few folks try to tell me otherwise.  My response to that was “Fack Outta Here!”

Take this post as encouragement for those of us out there working hard to be better than ever.  I wish us all well!  We can do it!  Don’t allow those Negatrons, you know the ones lurking in the shadows, into your beautiful world.  Build your strength, fight, and send them as far into outer space as you can!  Just be careful because they come in disguise, and can be quite deceptive #decepticons. 😉 I truly crack myself up!

PSA: Haters, stay out of my way as there is, without question, no space for you here.  I’m focused man!

#HappyMonday Readers! Note: the jam is explicit, but hey, I’m an adult. Enjoy!

My A N H E D O N I A…


BOREDOM!!!, my archenemy! As an aries I’m a fast-paced, endless fun seeking junky. When things start to get too redundant and too mundane, I start tweakin’ (cue the Shmoney dance). I love structure; I love to plan, but I love to be random and love spontaneity more!

As far as I know, we only have one life to live and I want to make sure I’m living it up. The mature age of 30 is creeping up on me. Most people in my life scoff,  “Pffffff, you’re just a baby!” I think to myself, “true….”, but they don’t know the life I lived. I grew up fast, was eager to get established, and be responsible. I wanted to change my familial pattern and be great! So, I isolated, spread my wings, obtained a higher education, kicked off a career, purchased a home and cars, etc. The only thing missing is a good husband and some kiddos. Ha Ha! With that said, I’m actually starting to wonder if that is even a part of my life plan at this point. Hmmm…

Either way, it’s time to bring sexy back and start enjoying life more. What’s the frickin’ point of working hard and not playing hard? Exactly, NOTHING!

Here’s to the grown and sexy… #Salud!


Don’t Bother With Fluff

“And time won’t heal a thing.  It’s just something you say when you don’t know where to begin…”.

I’m totally digging this jam right now.  The lyric above definitely caught my attention.  As a mental health therapist, I tend to describe myself as a “realist”. Though I am very empathic, I simply do not believe in fluff.  Fluff may be ok for very young children, but for the adults I work with, if you are coming into therapy with me, work is what we will do. 😉

Time is going to pass regardless… Consequently, I always encourage the individuals I work with to use their time wisely.  Remember that you cannot undo the past, but you can live and enjoy the present moment, and look forward to a more promising future.  I encourage all of us to live by the previous sentence, gain acceptance, forgive, let go of resentments, build and maintain healthy boundaries, and learn how to love yourself so that you may love others.

Hope you enjoyed yet another jam I’m hollering about. I also hope you have a wonderful day!

**As always, thanks for reading**

What’s That Saying Again?

Wise men and women across the earth have exclaimed that one cannot have his or her cake and eat it too. I use to wonder, “Well, why the hell not?” However, as an adult women who has had intimate relationships, I now fully understand. If you’ve made the choice to establish a relationship with another, in other words, if you have decided to share some of yourself with another, then things are no longer all about you. You must be considerate of both you and the other party’s desires. At any time you are unwilling to do so, then that’s the time you need to make the decision to leave the relationship and keep to your damn self. Once I notice that any of my relationships are too one-sided, I’m on it. If things do not improve, I’m out! I have had a few opportunities to turn my back on inconsiderate pricks….just packed up my baggage, slipped into my flip flops and I’m out the door. Feels good to know your worth! #0FKSGVN.

Hope you enjoy this jam as much as I do. 😉



Feeling HAPPY, which is something I haven’t felt regularly in a long while. I almost forgot what being happy feels like. That statement was difficult to make. I’ve gathered from some of the people around me, looking in, that I have nothing to complain about and that I’ve accomplished a great deal. There’s plenty of truth there, but my goal in life is to live comfortably, without ever getting too comfortable. It is important not to confuse living in the present and enjoying the moment with complacency. Speaking for myself, I was born with a certain kind of drive that will not allow me to settle. I figure I can always improve upon the status quo.

I ran across a quote this morning while searching for motivational messages to send to a special person in my life as he is working towards a current vocational goal. The quote jumped out at me. The quote reads as follows: “Sometimes people around you don’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.” I couldn’t agree more. My personal path is about me. I recognize that others will accompany me along the way, but I would like to think that MY journey is about my growth as an individual. I strive to be the best possible person that I can be. I won’t accept less of myself and definitely won’t accept less of a partner.

As a child I used to dream about being great. I didn’t really have an idea of the type of great I wanted; I just knew that great is what I wanted to be. If I can recall correctly, my broad definition of greatness was being a good person, living well, being married, having my own family, looking good and feeling good, being a strong, independent, and educated woman. I always knew that whatever I did, I wanted to be of help to others and positively contribute to my environment. I wonder if that has led me to my career as a Mental Health Therapist…

Though sometimes I feel as lonely as the half gallon of skim milk in the left back corner of my refrigerator, I recognize and am very grateful for the extensive network of the various individuals in my life. In my opinion, having a solid support system is essential to being great. Humans are relational beings and relationships are vital to our existence. We just need to make sure our interactions with others are healthy. When life throws me curveballs, I know that I am fully capable of dealing with them, due to my strengths as an individual and my army of support. I’m confident to stand up and fight, no matter what. There’s never a reason for me to “Runaway, runaway, runaway, runaway, I’m holding on desperately”, like J. Cole sang.

**Hope you enjoyed reading my post in response to this week’s Daily Post writing challenge**

Challenge Details: Now, the “challenge” part of this challenge: every day for the next four days, open your draft and add to/edit what you’ve already written to fold in something new. Here’s your progression:
Day One: start your post.
Day Two: add a quote from a conversation you had with someone today (an email, instant message, or text conversation is fine, too).
Day Three: add something related to what your childhood self wanted to be when you grew up, or a dream you have for your future.
Day Four: add a reference to something currently in your refrigerator.
Day Five: add something inspired by a song you heard today. If you didn’t hear any music, use something you read (and turn on the radio!).
After the end of Day Five, give it a final read and polish, then hit “publish” — challenge complete.

Daily Post: Music Marker

We all have songs that remind us of specific periods and events in our lives. Twenty years from now, which song will remind you of the summer of 2014?

First of all, Oh My God, music is my lifeeeeeeee and I would have to have like an entire playlist complete with a mix of both old and new jams that could possibly represent this Summer of 2014. This summer, well, pretty much this year thus far is turning out to be a rather interesting time in my life. If I had to narrow it down to one song that is representative of current events in my life or to that one song that gets me super excited, happy, and truly feeling good……… I would choose, “Summer” by Calvin Harris. I can really dig his jams. Always a fist-pumping good time!!!! 😉




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